
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2021

Going to Australia!

Welcome Mate,  I'm Carolina Fernandez an Ecuadorian who travelled  overseas,  for  learning  new cultures, new languages  and  adding  new experiences to my life . Travel 36 hours to the other side of the world, where few Ecuadorians travel, or decided to study?  Aren't  these exiting? Here we go,  I'll tell you some of my wild  experiences,  feelings,  overwhelming, studies,  friends, and all the aussie adventures, which I have been experiencing so far.  Today is 28/01/2019 , so My flight  to Australia will be at 8am from Guayaquil .  My mom and Sister  are coming with me, we are leaving  home early 9am because the van through the airport takes fours hours from my  city called Cuenca . I know it. It will be a long, trip because I have to add 36th hours of flying towards my  "Australian  destiny" . During  my way ,the wheater is cold but my family  and I...